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Brief sample of incoming US water projects

Filter Rehabilitation

Cost Range: $45,000,000 - $50,000,000 Location: CA

Description: Remove and replace the components of the 48 existing water filters, including the piping systems, troughs, underdrains, filter media, pressure transmitters, perimeter handrails, and lighting; repair spalled concrete; and modify the electrical and control components associated with the work.

Pumping Plant Vehicle Service Center Rehabilitation

Cost Range: $240,000 - $280,000 Location: CA Description: Demolish the existing concrete at the service pit; construct a new concrete service pit; relocate the floor exhaust inlets; and install new lights.

Pumping Plants Wastewater System Replacement

Cost Range: $2,100,000 - $2,300,000 Location: CA Description: Remove/abandon existing sewer collection systems including leach fields; construct new sewer main, laterals, and leach fields; and install manholes and cleanouts.

Ozone System Reliability Upgrades

Cost Range: $300,000- $500,000 Location: CA Description: Construct structures and facilities to upgrade a nitrogen generation system for the ozone system, make connection to existing facilities, testing and commission, and installation of Metropolitan-furnished equipment (MFE) nitrogen system and accessories.

Reservoir Cover and Liner Installation and Chemical System Modifications

Cost Range: $25,000,000 - $30,000,000 Location: CA Description: Install reservoir liner and floating cover and modify chemical feed system and other structures.

Administration Building Seismic Upgrades

Cost Range: $3,000,000 - $3,500,000 Location: CA Description: Relocate existing mechanical and electrical equipment; modify minor architecture; and furnish and install an upgraded HVAC system for the Control Room.

Chemical System Upgrades

Cost Range: $2,100,000 - $2,300,000 Location: CA Description: Remove/abandon existing sewer collection systems including leach fields; construct new sewer main, laterals, and leach fields; and install manholes and cleanouts.

Levees Replacement

Cost Range: $9,000,000 - $11,000,000 Location: CA

Description: The project will widen the channel by constructing levees and floodwalls to

replace the current levees. Work will also involve removal and replace of wetlands.

Recycled Water Facility

Cost Range: $7,000,000 - $9,000,000 Location: CA

The project includes approximately 13,300 linear feet of 24 inch diameter pipe, an

approximately 100 hp booster pump station, and appurtenances.

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