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Energy storage market in US

Data from the US Department of Energy, Energy Storage Update and Energy Storage Outlook.

Although energy storage seems to be a good market in the future, the reality is that this market is booming, being USA one of the leading markets of the world, and California taking the lead as of today, followed by Virginia and South Carolina. In the near future, California will keep its leading edge, meanwhile Texas and New York are states that will follow California in existing and planned energy storage projects.

As of January 2015, DoE´s database listed 454 projects across the country, totaling 28.6GW. This includes plants that are operational, in construction, announced, or even decommissioned.

Here are some of the key figures:

USA Energy Storage Capacity

USA Energy Storage leading technologies

Energy Storage by States

Now is the right moment to take into consideration entering the USA or reinforcing your current US team, in order to achieve your goals. There will be a major conference in USA in June 2015, and we are going to be there providing the right support and engaging with the leading market players.

If you want to learn more about visiting California with a business agenda, attending the conference and visiting some projects around the State, please contact

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